MNE 2025

Submission Guideline

Instructions for authors:

  1. Visit the paper submission page on the MNE 2025 website. ( 
  2. Read and understand the copyright statement, and click “Submit Now” to start the submission process.
  3. You will first have to make an author account. When entering your name and e-mail address you will receive an e-mail with your author account.
  4. Accept the ExOrdo Terms and conditions, and continue until you see the screen below.
  5. Then click ‘submit your abstract’ to start the submission process. The submission window will be loaded.
  1. You will be asked to select a topic and a sub-topic in which your contribution fits best. You are only allowed one choice. The topics and subtopics, and keywords indicating typical (but not exhaustive) details to help you make the right choice, can be found on our ‘Scientific Tracks’ page.
  2. Enter the title of your contribution and the names and e-mail addresses of all authors.
  3. Enter a short abstract of max. 50 words in TXT format. The short abstract will be included in the program app and the program guide if your abstract is accepted. Do not include tables, figures or references in the short abstract, or any additional information such as title, authors, etc.
  4. Enter up to five keywords that relate to your abstract.
  5. Indicate your preferred contribution type (oral, poster, either)
  6. Optionally enter any remarks or messages to the program committee.
  7. Upload your abstract as a pdf only. For instructions how to prepare the abstract see below. 
  8. Click ‘submit’, and you will receive a notification by e-mail.
  9. Author instructions: how to prepare your abstract?
  10. You need to prepare a one-page full abstract, to be reviewed by the International Program Committee.

Abstract preparation

The abstract must be in English and must include:
  • Title of the paper
  • Family and first names, postal and affiliation addresses of the authors
  • Email (email of the corresponding author; not necessarily the first author or the presenting author)
  • Keywords
  • A two-page abstract (A4), first page containing text only, while the second one should contain references, tables, formulas, graphs or photographs.
  • PDF format maximum size 4 Mb –  Scanned PDF-files are not allowed. Files must be created using a PDF-distiller, all fonts must be embedded. The file may NEITHER contain any form of security, NOR bookmarks, links or multiple files in a single PDF file.
  • Font: Times New Roman– Size: 8 – Line spacing: single – Word Software